How To Select the Best (and Right) ISO Consultant for Certification?

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How To Find the Best ISO Consultant for Certification

Achieving ISO certification is a significant milestone for any organisation, signifying a commitment to quality, safety, efficiency or sustainability. However, navigating the complexities of ISO standards can be challenging. Engaging a right ISO consultant can make this process smoother and more efficient but how do you actually find and choose the best ISO consultant? In this guide, we present everything you need to know about ISO consultants! Grab your coffee!

What does an ISO consultant do?

An ISO consultant assists organisations in understanding and implementing ISO standards. An ISO consultant is like your company’s third arm that helps you gain market confidence! They understand your business needs, provide expertise and guidance on standard and related requirements, conduct gap analyses, help develop process documentation, conduct coaching and training, and support the organisation through the certification process.

How do I choose the right ISO consultant for my organization?

Choose an ISO consultant based on their expertise in the specific ISO standard you need, their industry experience, proven track record, and ability to understand and align with your organization’s goals and culture. Recommendations, references, and platforms like can help you find qualified consultants.

Can an ISO consultant guarantee certification?

No, an ISO consultant cannot guarantee certification as the final decision lies with the certification body. However, a good consultant can significantly increase the likelihood of achieving certification by ensuring all requirements are met and the organization is well-prepared.

Why should I hire an ISO consultant?

If you’re thinking that you clearly understand the ISO standard requirements as well as the certification process, there’s actually no need to hire a consultant. In our experience, we feel that consultants are like your extra eyes with a different approach and are always great to have on your side!

Plus – hiring an ISO consultant can save time and resources by providing expert guidance on ISO standards. They help ensure compliance, reduce the risk of non-conformities, and streamline the certification process, making it more efficient and effective.

Top 10 Qualities of an ISO Consultant

As per ISO’s Strategy 2030, the goal of standards is to “support global trade, drive inclusive and equitable economic growth, advance innovation and promote health and safety to achieve a sustainable future.

An ISO consultant plays a critical role in helping organizations achieve and maintain ISO certification. That’s why the purpose of ISO consultants is to establish reliable systems to facilitate the continual improvement of an organization’s operations.

Do you know that CertBetter helps you quickly find ISO consultants using different search filters such as location, standards, industry?

The effectiveness and success of this process largely depend on the consultant’s qualities. Here are the key qualities to consider when selecting the best ISO consultant for your first or next certification:

1. Expertise and Knowledge

A competent ISO consultant should have extensive knowledge and expertise in the ISO standard for which you intend to certify your company. They should be well-versed in the requirements, principles, and best practices of the standard.

For example, if you are looking for an ISO 14001 consultant for your environmental management system, select a competent ISO consultant who has extensive knowledge and experience in this specific standard.

An ISO 14001 consultant should also be able to provide practical solutions for waste management, energy efficiency, and legal compliance, ensuring that your company not only meets the ISO standard certification requirements but also enhances its overall environmental performance.

Similarly, they should understand the nuances of environmental regulations, the importance of sustainable practices, and how to integrate these into your business operations.

2. Industry Experience

Experience in your specific industry is crucial. An ISO consultant with relevant industry experience will understand the unique challenges and regulatory requirements of your sector.

For example, if your business is in the manufacturing sector, search for an ISO 9001 consultant who should be knowledgeable about quality management systems (QMS) tailored to manufacturing processes. They should be able to identify critical areas such as process control, risk management, and continuous improvement.

Moreover, they should provide practical examples of how they’ve helped similar companies streamline operations, reduce defects, and achieve certification efficiently.

3. Analytical Skills

Strong analytical skills are essential for an ISO consultant to identify gaps in your current processes and to develop effective strategies for improvement. They should be able to conduct thorough gap analyses and risk assessments.

If you’re going for an ISO 27001 certification, finding an ISO consultant with strong analytical skills is crucial. They should be capable of meticulously examining your existing information security management systems (ISMS) to pinpoint vulnerabilities and inefficiencies. By conducting comprehensive gap analyses and risk assessments, the ISO 27001 consultant can identify areas where your processes fall short of the practices of the information security industry.

4. Problem-Solving Abilities

An effective ISO consultant should be a skilled problem solver, capable of developing practical solutions to overcome obstacles and ensure compliance with ISO standards.

For example, if your company is looking for an ISO 45001 consultant for occupational health and safety, an effective consultant should be looking for workplace health and safety management. They must identify potential hazards and non-compliance issues within your workplace.

By developing practical solutions, such as implementing safer work procedures and improving employee training programs, the ISO 45001 consultant can help your organization overcome obstacles and meet Occupational Health and Safety standards, ensuring a safer and compliant work environment.

5. Communication Skills

A competent ISO consultant doesn’t just sit down in your office and type documents; they actually need to be able to clearly articulate the standard requirements, processes, and strategies to all levels of the organization, from top management to front-line employees.

Find an ISO consultant who quickly understands your business culture, vision and mission. They should be able to define the “Why” before jumping around with promises!

When working with top management, the consultant should be able to articulate the benefits and necessities of compliance in a strategic context while also ensuring that front-line employees understand their roles and responsibilities in daily operations to achieve and maintain certification.

6. Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is vital to ensure that no aspect of the ISO standard requirements or your business processes is overlooked. Find an consultant who’s got sharp eyes!

For example, when an ISO consultant is reviewing your company’s documentation and processes for certification, they meticulously examine every aspect of the business to ensure nothing is overlooked. This thoroughness is key to successful certification and ongoing compliance.

7. Project Management Skills

ISO certification projects require careful planning, coordination, and execution. If you’re choosing an ISO consultant, consider finding one that demonstrates strong project management skills.

During an ISO certification project, a consultant with strong project management skills will create a detailed project plan outlining all tasks, deadlines, and responsibilities. They will coordinate with various departments to ensure everyone is aligned and understands their roles.

By monitoring progress closely and making adjustments as needed, the consultant ensures the project stays on track, within budget, and on schedule. This structured approach minimizes delays and ensures a smooth path to certification.

8. Adaptability and Flexibility

Find an effective ISO consultant who adapts their approach based on the company’s specific operations, culture, and challenges. Why? Organizations differ in their operations, cultures, and challenges. An effective ISO consultant should be adaptable and flexible, tailoring their approach to fit the specific needs and circumstances of the organization.

They might tailor their strategies to fit the unique workflow and communication style of the organization. By being flexible and customizing their methods, the consultant ensures that the certification process aligns with the company’s needs and circumstances, thereby increasing the chances of successful implementation and ongoing compliance.

9. Interpersonal Skills

Choose the best ISO consultant who knows how to build strong relationships within your business. They should be able to work collaboratively with your team, gaining their trust and cooperation. They should engage with team members at all levels, actively listening to their concerns and suggestions.

By fostering a collaborative environment, the consultant can gain the trust and cooperation of your team, making it easier to implement changes and adhere to the necessary standards. This collaborative approach ensures smoother communication, higher engagement, and more effective problem-solving throughout the certification process.

10. Commitment to Continuous Improvement

The best ISO consultant should promote a culture of continuous improvement, helping your organization not only achieve certification but also maintain and enhance its management systems over time. After achieving certification, they should work with your team to regularly review and enhance your management systems.

There you go! All 10 qualities that you need to select the best ISO consultant! Let’s step further and see how to actually search for and filter the consultants that do not only meet but exceed your needs.

How to Find the best ISO Consultant?

At CertBetter, we understand that finding a competent ISO consultant can be challenging and time consuming task. It’s similar to fishing in a crowded river where many options may lack the necessary qualities. Therefore, it’s crucial to know how to search, filter, and conduct proper research to identify the right consultant for your ISO certification.

This process is akin to managing a small-scale project, requiring careful planning, evaluation, and decision-making to ensure you select a consultant who meets your specific needs and standards. Here’s how to find the best ISO consultant for your organisation.

Identify Your Specific Needs

Start by clearly defining which ISO standard you need help with (e.g., ISO 9001 for quality management, ISO 14001 for environmental management, or ISO 27001 for information security).

Beware of consultants offering bundle packages – it may sound very interesting but proceed with only what you require.

Understand your project’s scope, including timelines and budget. For example, a tech startup seeking ISO 27001 certification to assure clients of their information security practices will have different needs than a manufacturing company aiming for ISO 9001.

Research and Seek Recommendations

Look for consultants with a strong reputation in your industry. Recommendations from industry peers, professional networks, or industry associations can be invaluable. LinkedIn is a great place to start but if you don’t use LinkedIn, you can simply Google. Heads up: Google search will show you so many ads!

Additionally, use online resources like, the ultimate directory for finding the best ISO consultants. This platform allows you to search for consultants based on their expertise, location, and client reviews.

Evaluate Experience and Expertise

Look for consultants who have proven experience and expertise in your specific industry and the relevant ISO standard. Verify their credentials and ask for case studies or success stories. provides detailed profiles of consultants, including their areas of expertise and client feedback.

Request Detailed Proposals

Contact several consultants to request proposals. These should detail their approach, methodology, timelines, and costs. Evaluate how well each proposal meets your specific needs and requirements.

Pro Tip: Create a simple spreadsheet with columns so you can quickly compare different consultants.

Assess Cultural Fit and Communication

The consultant you choose should be able to work seamlessly with your team and align with your organisational culture. Effective communication is crucial for a successful partnership.

During your conversation, look out for the triggers where you feel they are showing any pressure or don’t care about your business culture or vision. A good consultant should align with your business needs.

Check References and Past Performance

Ask for and check references from previous clients. Follow up to understand their experiences, particularly regarding the consultant’s reliability, effectiveness, and support throughout the certification process. Again, good time to write down the information on your spreadsheet.

Consider Cost vs. Value

While cost is an important factor, the cheapest option is not always the best. Consider the value offered, including the consultant’s expertise, the comprehensiveness of their services, and the support provided post-certification.

Conduct Interviews and Assess Fit

Interview shortlisted consultants to gauge their approach and ask specific questions about your project. Ensure they have a clear understanding of your goals and challenges.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the costs associated with hiring an ISO consultant?

The cost of hiring an ISO consultant varies depending on the complexity of the project, the size of your organization, the specific ISO standard, and the consultant’s experience. It can include fees for initial assessments, documentation development, training, and ongoing support.

How long does the ISO certification process take with a consultant?

The duration of the ISO certification process can vary widely based on the organization’s readiness, the complexity of its processes, and the specific ISO standard. With a consultant’s help, the process can typically range from a few months to over a year.

What qualifications should an ISO consultant have?

An ISO consultant should have relevant certifications, extensive knowledge of the specific ISO standards, industry experience, strong analytical and problem-solving skills, excellent communication abilities, and a proven track record of successful ISO implementations.

Can an ISO consultant help with multiple ISO standards simultaneously?

Yes, many ISO consultants have expertise in multiple ISO standards and can assist organizations in integrating several management systems, such as ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environmental), and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety), into a cohesive framework.

Why should I hire an ISO consultant?

Hiring an ISO consultant can save time and resources by providing expert guidance on ISO standards. They help ensure compliance, reduce the risk of non-conformities, and streamline the certification process, making it more efficient and effective.


As you can see, there are several steps and learning involved in finding and selecting the best ISO consultant. We believe that ISO consultants are part of the backbone of any company’s expertise. They are not there to tick the box but actually help your business grow through the application of ISO standards. Using a comprehensive directory like CertBetter can significantly streamline this process, providing access to a wide range of qualified consultants and valuable client feedback.

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