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ISO 14001 - Suppliers and Contractors

Originally posted by Karen Semmler on 3 April 2024 7:51 pm

I need clarity on the below clauses please – in the context of suplpiers and contractors. Thanks.
1) Clause 9.1 Monitoring and Measurement.

“9.1.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation – EMS general​
The organization has to determine what it needs to monitor and measure. This includes the determination of the criteria against which the quality, environmental and safety performance will be evaluated including appropriate indicators.”

Some examples would be appreciated considering that the scope of ISO 14001 defined in my company is on onsite activities (construction work and electric installations) only. Please note that my company hires contractors to conduct construction work, it does not manufacture any product or construct anything.

2) Clause 8.1 deals with:

“Out-sourced Processes​
Outsourced process affecting EMS compliance must be controlled or influenced.”

Here I understand we are supposed to involve our suppliers and contractors by identifying environmental aspects and potential impacts. Are we supposed here to collect data from suppliers and contractors for example for onsite atcivity: water consumption, waste generation, etc? If yes, could you please provide examples. Thanks.

3) In terms of environmental impacts I am not 100% sure to which extent such impacts relate to contractors only or to our company – again we do not build ourselves anything. Such impacts should be report on behalf of our contractors?

4) Would you rather advice to broaden the scope of the standard to include the environmental aspects/impacts of our offices as well which is low. Because of this, my company decided to focus only on onsite activity.


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